When browsing the internet, seeing the HTTPS “Not Secure” error can be concerning, but it’s usually fixable. Here are some ways to fix this HTTPS error:  

  1. Install or renew your SSL Certificate 
  2. Update all website URLs to HTTPS.  
  3. Set up 301 redirects to ensure all traffic is directed to the HTTPS version of your site.  
  4. Use online tools like Why No Padlock to identify and fix insecure content on your site.  
  5. Clear your browser cache and cookies.  

Google has been trying to create a safe internet experience for everyone. Labeling HTTP websites as “Not Secure” is one of the ways by which the search engine protects users from visiting unsafe websites. In this article, we will discuss why Chrome displays “Not Secure” message and how to fix “Not Secure” website in Chrome.

Why Does Chrome Display a “Not Secure” Message? 

Google Chrome flags HTTP websites as “Not Secure” because they lack encryption. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) does not secure the data transmitted between a user’s browser and the website’s server. This makes it vulnerable to cyberattacks like Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, where hackers can intercept sensitive data such as login credentials, credit card numbers, and other personal information.

When Chrome detects an unsecured site, it prominently displays a warning message to alert users of potential risks. This could appear as: 

  • A gray “Not Secure” label in the address bar 
  • A red warning triangle indicating a connection error  
  • A text bubble saying, “Your connection to this site is not secure” 

Since Google prioritizes user safety, securing your website is a technical necessity and essential for maintaining trust and credibility.

How to Fix the “Not Secure” Error in Chrome 

There are different ways to resolve the “Not Secure” error. Here, we have listed six ways to fix the “Not Secure” error. 

1. Install an SSL Certificate 

An SSL certificate is essential for encrypting the connection between your website and the visitors. Without an SSL certificate, browsers like Chrome will mark your website as “Not Secure.” Therefore, installing/purchasing an SSL certificate is one of the ways you can fix the “Not Secure” error. Meanwhile, if you have an SSL certificate and are still experiencing this HTTP issue, check if your SSL certificate is installed properly.

2. Force HTTPS on Your Website 

Simply installing an SSL certificate isn’t enough. You must ensure all visitors are automatically redirected to the HTTPS version of your website. This can be done by forcing HTTPS. You can either force HTPPS via your hosting cPanel or opt for alternatives like:  

  • Edit the .htaccess File 

  If you’re comfortable with coding, you can add this code to your website’s `.htaccess` file. This ensures that any HTTP request is permanently redirected to HTTPS.  

  • Use Plugins (For WordPress)   

Install a plugin like Really Simple SSL or others to automatically handle HTTPS redirection without requiring technical knowledge.  

3. Reinstall the SSL Certificate  

If your SSL certificate was installed incorrectly or became invalid, reinstalling it can solve the problem.  

Here’s how you can reinstall SSL:   

  • Log into your hosting control panel (e.g., cPanel) 
  • Navigate to “Security” and go to “SSL” and select your domain  
  • Click the three-dot menu and choose “Reinstall SSL”  

Once reinstalled, verify that the certificate is active. If the issue persists, contact your hosting provider’s support team.

4. Clear Browser Cache and Reset SSL Cache   

Sometimes, your browser or computer stores outdated SSL data, which can cause the “Not Secure” error to appear even after you’ve fixed the issue.   

Here’s how you can clear SSL cache on Windows:   

  • Open “Control Panel” and navigate to “Network and Internet,” and click on “Internet Options.  
  • In the pop-up window, go to the “Content” tab.  
  • Click “Clear SSL State” to reset the SSL cache.  

Here’s how you can clear your browser cache from Google Chrome:   

  1. Open Chrome and click the three dots in the top-right corner.
  2. Select “More Tool,” and then go to “Clear Browsing Data.”
  3. Choose the data to clear (e.g., cached images, cookies) and click “Clear Data.”

Clearing both SSL and browser caches ensures the browser fetches fresh, updated information from the website.  

5. Disable the QUIC Protocol in Chrome 

The Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC) protocol is an experimental feature in Chrome that sometimes interferes with secure connections. Disabling it can resolve connection issues.

Here’s how you can disable QUIC in Chrome:   

  1. Open Chrome and type “chrome://flags/#enable-quic” into the address bar.
  2. Locate the “Experimental QUIC Protocol” setting at the top of the page.
  3. Change the setting from “Default” to “Disabled” using the dropdown menu.
  4. Relaunch Chrome for the changes to take effect.

6. Check and Adjust Date and Time Settings   

SSL certificates rely on your computer system’s date and time settings for validation. If your device’s clock is incorrect, it might cause the browser to see the SSL certificate as invalid or expired. Here’s how to check and adjust data and time settings on different operating systems:  

  • On Windows  
  1. Click the “Start” button and open “Settings,” and then go to “Time and Language.”
  2. Enable “Set Time Automatically” and “Set Time Zone Automatically.”  
  3. Double-check that the time and date are correct.
  • On macOS 
  1. Open the Apple Menu → System Settings → General → Date & Time.
  2. Turn on “Set Date and Time Automatically.”  
  3. For manual adjustments, turn the option off and set the time and date manually.

Keeping your system clock accurate ensures the SSL certificates are correctly validated. 

Pro Tips to Avoid “Not Secure” Error in the Future   

  1. Always renew your SSL certificate before it expires to prevent any security warnings.  
  2. Use tools like Why No Padlock to identify and fix mixed content or insecure elements on your website.  
  3. Most modern web hosting providers offer this option, which ensures all visitors are automatically redirected to the secure version of your website.  
  4. Let users know about the importance of HTTPS and encourage them to update their browsers if they face issues.  


In conclusion, fixing the “Not Secure” error might seem daunting, but by following the steps mentioned above, you can simplify the process.  

For website owners, maintaining a secure connection is critical for building trust and improving SEO rankings. Addressing this error helps safeguard your users’ data and keeps your site running smoothly. 

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