Thinking of starting your own business website? You’ve got to decide the name of your website, visualise the look and feel, browse through hundreds of themes, plugins and a lot more. Surely, not an easy task, is it? But in the midst of all this, there is another often overlooked aspect of starting a website – purchasing the right web hosting. Well, what I mean by overlooked is the fact that people sometimes buy hosting without much deliberation and then realise it is just not suited for their website’s needs. So how do you decide? 

A good web hosting is a mix of several different things – high page load speed, good customer support, security, storage space, less downtime, etc. However, with so many web hosting options available, how do you decide the best one for you?

To make your task easy, we’ve decided to compare two popular hosting options viz. Reseller Hosting and VPS Hosting. We’ll cover the difference between VPS and Reseller Hosting, and the parameters on how to decide which hosting is the best suited for your online business!

First things first, let us understand what Reseller Hosting and VPS Hosting is. 

What is Reseller Hosting? 

If you’re thinking of starting your own web designing/development firm or a Reseller business then Reseller Hosting is the best choice. With Reseller Hosting, you – the reseller (owner) – purchase a hosting package which includes the bandwidth and hard disk space. Post-purchase your hosting you can rent out portions of your web hosting to different customers. Thus, in Reseller Hosting, the hosting reseller acts as a hosting provider to their end customers and generates revenue.

Advantages of Reseller Hosting

  1. Easy to set up and manage
  2. No prior technical knowledge required 
  3. Affordable and easy to upgrade
  4. Comes with a customisable control panel and several themes 
  5. Easy to manage all customer websites with a single control panel 
  6. Resellers can manage customer’s control panel, along with the customer 

What is VPS Hosting? 

VPS or Virtual Private Server is a type of hosting that divides a single physical server into multiple independent virtual servers. Owing to this functionality, VPS Hosting is the perfect bridge between Shared Hosting and Dedicated Server. 

Although the hosting space is shared amongst all the sub-servers, hosting resources like CPU, RAM, OS and disk space aren’t shared. This independent compartmentalising helps in maintaining website security and also provides full-root access (easy to install software, modify server configuration, etc.) to each hosting server. If you’re a web developer or designer you can use VPS Hosting for building heavy-traffic websites or apps. 

Advantages of VPS Hosting 

  1. A single physical server is split into several servers; each with their own set of resources 
  2. Cost-effective, and easy to scale and upgrade 
  3. Offers a customisable environment 
  4. Comes with full-root access 
  5. You do not need thorough technical knowledge
  6. Secure and powerful 

The Face-off:  VPS Hosting Vs Reseller Hosting 

The difference between VPS and Reseller Hosting is as good as chalk and cheese. However, as with every other hosting type available, the choice ultimately rests upon what do you need. 

If you’re thinking about starting a reseller business, then Reseller Hosting is the logical choice. On the other hand, if you’re into web designing or development, or are thinking about migrating your existing website to a new hosting type due to high traffic, then VPS Hosting is recommended.

In simple terms, Reseller Hosting is for those who solely want to run a reselling business. Whereas, VPS Hosting is for just about anyone – whether you’re running an online business, a blog or a web design business. 

With BigRock, we offer both these hosting types with guaranteed 99.9% uptime, high page load speed, incredible support and easy migration. So what are you waiting for? Decide your business type, register a domain name and purchase a hosting to kickstart your online business today!   

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