In this technological era, a website’s speed or performance is of utmost importance. Slow-loading websites can greatly impact user experience, SEO, and conversion rates. As a business owner, you would never want to lose traffic and potential customers. Thus, improving a website’s performance is crucial for drawing traffic to a website and keeping site visitors engaged.   

Cloud Web Hosting is quickly becoming a popular option for website performance because of the many benefits it provides. It is offered as an alternative to the traditional web server environment and is a great way to ensure that your website performs better. In this blog, we will see how cloud hosting helps in improving site performance. But before that, let’s take a quick look at why website performance/speed is important.

Why is website speed important?

A website’s performance is typically measured by how quickly a browser is able to load fully functional WebPages from a given website. Poorly performing websites that render slowly in a browser often drive users away. On the contrary, a website that loads quickly tends to keep the user engaged, typically receives more traffic, and has better conversion rates. Research shows 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Not only do more users stay on fast-loading websites, but they also convert at higher rates when compared to slower websites.  

Another factor that is impacted by website speed is the bounce rate; which is the percentage of users leaving a website after viewing only one page. Users are more likely to close the window or click away if a page takes longer to load. Also, long wait times create a bad user experience. As waiting for content to load can be frustrating and may provoke users to leave the website or application altogether. Moreover, your site’s performance is an important factor in Google ranking as well. Therefore it is imperative to ensure that your website is always up and performing well.

What is Cloud Hosting?

To understand how cloud hosting helps in improving site performance, you first need to know what cloud hosting is.

Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting that uses virtual servers rather than physical servers. It can be thought of as a big pool of processing resources shared by users all over the world who need it to power their websites and applications. Professional Cloud Hosting service providers offer the setup, maintenance, and security while simultaneously enabling you to customize application and hardware and scale resources as per your needs. Moreover, virtual resources from several servers are used to accommodate all the requirements to host your website. The perks of getting a high-performance Cloud Web Hosting are flexibility, reliability, and scalability. In addition, with a Cloud Hosting model, your website can maintain a fast load time, even when you have high volumes of traffic during promotions or sales.

How Cloud Hosting helps in improving site performance?

Unlike traditional shared hosting plans or a dedicated physical server, cloud hosting delivers exceptional flexibility, which is as unique as your website. Thus, the most significant feature of cloud web hosting is its influence on website performance and speed.

Perhaps the unique feature of cloud hosting is its resource allocation and management solution. Since your website has access to the resources from an entire cluster of servers, speed and performance can be leveraged based upon real-time activity. Thus, with the unique specifications of the cloud solutions, you’ll experience speed and performance that you may have never experienced before.

Let’s dive a little deeper to better understand how you can improve your website’s performance with cloud hosting. Here are the key factors:  


Cloud Servers are famous for their lightning-fast speeds, enabling you to increase the capacity of your website smoothly & improve your website’s performance. Furthermore, the Cloud Hosting solution also includes easier load balancing between a number of server environments, thus alleviating the strain placed on one server’s resources. With the right Cloud Hosting solution provider, you can increase your site’s speed, making it 2x faster. 


Data is always at the heart of every business; therefore, the risk of data loss is incredibly real. Thankfully, the Cloud Hosting solution greatly minimizes the risk of data loss. With Cloud Web Hosting, data is stored in multiple remote locations and paired with fast backups. For instance, hosting providers will maintain multiple copies of your site in order to ensure that there’s quick recovery if there are hardware failures. In case your website does crash your hosting provider will have the latest copy of your website’s content. Furthermore, these copies of your business data will be distributed to multiple devices so that if one server experiences any hardware issues or is overloaded with resources’ requests, you’ll be smoothly switched over to another server. This keeps your data secure and reinforces just how reliable Cloud Hosting security can be for your business.


Say you’re starting a new business, or planning to expand an existing one, the biggest question on your mind would be how to manage the budget. With other types of web hosting solutions, you’ll be stuck with a monthly tariff regardless of your activity where you may or may not completely utilizes all your server resources, but in the end, you’ll need to pay your dues. With Cloud Hosting solutions, you have access to a variety of packages and deals; thus, you can plan out your requirements and the resources as per your website’s need and choose your hosting package accordingly. A simple one-click upgrade in cloud hosting solutions can increase the resources you need for your business’ growth.

Furthermore, your maintenance and labour costs related to managing the infrastructure will be handled by the service provider. Therefore, all you need to do is manage your website and the content from a pre-installed cPanel.    

Uptime and Website Availability

For an online business to flourish, you need to be online at all times! Frequent site downtime can negatively impact your business and drive customers away. If your downtime issue persists, your customers won’t get the information/service they’re looking for and are most likely to move on to a competitor; this means a loss of sales and/or leads. Sometimes, when you choose more traditional forms of web hosting, the uptime of your website is majorly connected to the physical server’s environment. If in case the server goes offline, so does the site. With Cloud Hosting, on the other hand, you get high uptime. In Cloud Web Hosting, your website will be using the resources of multiple servers, so if in case there’s a server crash, you’ll simply be transferred to another server. Furthermore, this hosting gives you the flexibility to scale your resources as per your needs. If you do experience high volumes of traffic, you can upgrade your hosting plan anytime you want to. 

Final Word!

Cloud hosting is the future of web design and development. It provides a plethora of features to improve your website’s performance. Thus, adopt a reliable, scalable, managed & secured Cloud Web Hosting solution to boost the speed and improve the overall performance of your website. However, the key to successful website hosting is choosing the right service provider and selecting a plan that meets your needs. Contact BigRock’s expert team to choose the best plan for your needs to get your business on the ground and running very quickly!