Resource hints are HTML tags that help improve a web page’s performance by providing the browser with information about critical resources. Preload, preconnect, and prefetch are simple HTML tags that help browsers fetch and prepare key resources ahead of time. Using these techniques can boost your website’s speed and improve the user experience. In this article, we will understand what these resource hints mean and how they can boost your website’s performance. 

What is a Resource Hint?  

Before we dive into the specifics of prefetch, preload, and preconnect, it’s important to understand what resource hints are. Resource hints (also called browser hints or speculative fetch) instruct the browser to perform specific actions ahead of time to improve or speed up the browser’s performance. Resource hints can perform actions such as early DNS lookups, connecting to servers beforehand, and even fetching resources before the browser discovers them. This way, when the user actually navigates to the page, the resources are already cached, and the page can load much faster. Resource hints are generally specified in HTML tags. 

What is Prefetch 

Prefetch is one of the most common resource hints used to improve site performance. This hint tells the browser that a certain URL is likely to be visited next, so it should start retrieving resources for that page in advance. However, prefetch doesn’t actually process the resource until the user requests it. Instead, it places them into the cache, so they’re ready when needed. 

For example, imagine a user reviewing their shopping cart. The user will likely place an order, so the website will likely have to load the shipping information and payment details page next. If the prefetch directive is used on the cart page, the browser will begin loading some of the resources associated with the shipping page while the user is still browsing the cart. When the user clicks to move to the next page, those resources will already be in the cache and load much faster. 

This technique works well when the user is expected to navigate to another page soon. But remember that prefetch is just a suggestion for the browser—it doesn’t guarantee that the resources will be fetched on time. 

What is Preload? 

Preload is a resource hint that allows you to specify resources that the browser should load as soon as possible. This can help improve the performance of your web page by ensuring that critical resources are available when needed. Here’s how it works: 

Here’s how preload works:  

  1. Using the preload hint, you tell the browser to fetch and load a resource early in the page load process, even before it’s needed. 
  2. You can preload various resources, such as scripts, stylesheets, fonts, images, and more. 
  3. Then, you can prioritize important resources, ensuring they are available when the browser needs them to render the page. 

What is Preconnect? 

While prefetch and preload focus on downloading resources, preconnect allows the browser to establish early connections to important third-party origins. That is, by using preconnect, you can reduce the time it takes to fetch resources like a third-party API or a Content Delivery Network (CDN).  

Therefore, when you are using preconnect, you are telling the browser to start resolving the Domain Name System (DNS) for a given URL, perform the necessary TCP handshake, and negotiate any required Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections before the user even needs them. This reduces the time spent waiting for the browser to establish a connection when it actually needs to fetch a resource. 

How Prefetch, Preload, and Preconnect Improve Site Performance 

Prefetch, preload, and preconnect can significantly improve a website’s performance by optimizing how resources are fetched and loaded. Here’s how each of them contributes: 

  • Prefetch  

By telling the browser to pre-fetch resources, you can significantly reduce the load time for the user when they navigate to the next page. Since the browser doesn’t need to download the resources again, the next page appears almost instantly. This improves the user experience and can also contribute to better search engine rankings, as page load time is an important SEO factor. 

  • Preload

The main benefit of preload is that it allows the browser to retrieve resources as early as possible, reducing the time it takes to load essential elements like images, fonts, or JavaScript files. For example, if your page uses a large header image or a complex web font, using preload can ensure that these resources are loaded quickly, so the page content displays faster and doesn’t get delayed by waiting for these assets to load. 

  • Preconnect  

If your website relies on an external service for comments, analytics, or ads, using preconnect allows the browser to start preparing to communicate with that service before the resource is actually needed. This can significantly improve site performance, especially when third-party services are involved. Rather than waiting for the browser to establish a connection in real-time when the user reaches the point of needing the service, the connection is already ready, so the resource can be fetched more quickly. 

  • Combined Benefits  

  • Reduced Latency: By pre-establishing connections and preloading resources, these hints reduce the time it takes to fetch and load resources. 
  • Improved Load Times: Ensures critical resources are available sooner, leading to faster page rendering and a better user experience. 
  • Optimized Resource Management: Helps the browser manage resources more efficiently, reducing delays and improving overall 

When to Use Each Directive 

  • Use prefetch when you anticipate a resource will be needed soon but aren’t sure exactly when. 
  • Use preload when you know a resource is critical for the current page and must be loaded as soon as possible. 
  • Use preconnect when your page needs to connect to an external domain, like a third-party API or CDN, and you want to minimize connection delays. 


Using resource hints like prefetch, preload, and preconnect is a powerful way to improve site performance. Moreover, by anticipating which resources will be needed next and loading them beforehand, you can reduce load times and make your website faster and more responsive.  

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